Sun. May 19th, 2024

Okay, since most of you are probably new to this, let me explain…

I find a headline that catches my eye.  Do I read the article?  Nope.  I just comment on the headline making a lot of assumptions based on previous news of this type.  Because of this, it is likely, I will get it all wrong, and you can tell my how much of an idiot I am.  I wouldn’t count on it, but it can happen.

Headlines That Caught My Eye This Morning

Item 1:  Trump allies prepare to infuse ‘Christian nationalism’ in second administration

It is probably better to refer to ‘Christain nationalism’ as being the Christain Taliban.  It couldn’t be more unconstitutional, but since when has that ever stopped a Trumpublican?

Item 2:  People Shelling Out Thousands Of Dollars For Limited-Edition Donald Trump Gold Sneakers

I have a Space Needle and the box it came in for sale.  I have it priced to sell — a few hundred times — at $399 plus shipping and handling.  Come get it fast before someone else snaps it up.

Item 3:  American ballerina Ksenia Karelina is detained for ‘high treason’ in Russia

The charge?  Giving $51.80 to a Ukranian charity.

Yep, you read that right.  She donated $51 to Ukraine, and for that, she is looking at 20 years in a Russian prison.

She is a Russian-born woman, who came to the US, and managed to become a US citizen.  THEN, she went back to Russia, where she was arrested for giving some pocket change to Ukraine.

Why does ANYONE go to Russia these days?  I think I would rather do the backstroke in a sea of putrid shit before going to Russia or any other totalitarian regime.

Item 4:  Putin PROMOTES prison official accused of torturing murdered Alexei Navalny just days after dissident’s ‘novichok’ death

Well, of course he does.   If you were expecting otherwise, you just haven’t been paying attention.

Item 5:  Alabama Supreme Court rules frozen embryos are ‘children’

When a zygot is able to climb out of the petri dish and go out into the world and make a ‘life’ for itself, then maybe you’ve got an argument.

But frozen embrios are never going to survive outside of a womb.  Never ever ever.

What in the fuck did I just watch?

The Mayor of Kingstown – Paramount +

Kingstown, Michigan, is a fictional company town where the business is incarceration. The McLusky family have been keeping the peace in Kingstown for decades, acting as the mediators between the street gangs, prisoners, guards, and cops. Tackling themes of systemic racism, corruption, and inequality, the series provides a stark look at their attempt to bring order and justice to a town that has neither.

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